Monday, November 30, 2009

Rain Making

Over the weekend we had a LOT of rain in Southern Tasmania. Now, I don't know if this happens where you live, but here there seems to be certain things that help bring on the rain.

Here are some of the things:

Hanging out washing. A sure way for a light drizzle in winter, or a sudden shower in summer.

Planning a picnic somewhere with no rainproof shelter. (Prepare for thunder and lightening!)

Getting married in a garden with no backup plan. It happened to me. Houses were flooded that day.

If you want nonstop rain for three days, buy water to fill up your water tank. That's what my mother in law and her husband did last week... the day before it started to pour.

I'm sure there are more ways to make it rain! What activity do you do that brings it on? Tell me in the comments!!!!!!!!!!

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