Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Saint Davids Park I

On Monday we had a mosey through Franklin Square. Today, we are going to be just a couple of blocks away from there, at St. Davids Park.

But we're not going inside - not yet! Today we're just getting to the entry... one of my favourite parts of St. Davids Park.

Look at the following two photos. The first one I took on Monday (the 23rd of November, 2009). The following image is a lantern slide and was probably taken between 1890-1920.

Lantern slide of by James Backhouse Walker, from here.

My photo is taken from further back, but you can see the same building in both. Whether or not the trees are the same is a different matter! You will notice that the entry lions aren't there.

The main entry to St. Davids Park. When the wisteria is in bloom this archway is utterly breathtaking.

The lions were not a part of the entry of park until 1988. Before that they had been stored at Port Arthur. Originally, the lions stood over the entrance of the Bank of Van Dieman's Land. They were carved in 1884 in a tent on the footpath. Interesting stuff! There's more here.

The closer you get to the lions the cooler and weirder they look. The eyes are a bit freaky.

Fairly self-explanatory.

This lion looks a little freaked out. Perhaps the branch infront of its face scared it?

I've always thought of St. Davids Park at a little oasis - a good place to have lunch and throw a frisbee. So what I realised after walking through the gate on Monday surprised me... and now I can't think of the park in the same way.

What did I realise? Check back tomorrow to find out!

1 comment:

  1. In the late 60's the school I attended visited Port Arthur on an excursion. This excursion was partly funded by TAA and as a result those who were on the excursion had their photos taken with the above lions, which were (from memory) in front of one of the buildings at Port Arthur. These photos later appeared in the inflight TAA magazine. Sadly I never kept my copy.
